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🇺🇸 Chip Reviews

Hi, I’m a chip lover and reviewer and this is CHIPALYTICS! This site is dedicated to my love of 💓chips💓 and tendency to pick up a bag wherever I am.

My reviews will be a description of the chips I try and my opinion. The chip will be described through the highly scientific stats of SALTINESS, FLAVOR LEVEL, and THICKNESS. These stats will be objective - a High saltiness is extremely salty, and Low saltiness is little salt. My opinion of the chip will be reflected in the opinion ratings of each chip, on CRUNCH, TEXTURE, and FLAVOR. 10 crunch is in my opinion a perfect crunch, and a 1 crunch would be a wet noodle. 

More information on scores: 

10 - Perfect, wouldn't change a thing

9 - Close to perfect, with a few minor changes

8 - Great

7 - Pretty good

6 - Good

5 - Average/acceptable

4 - Not good

3 - Bad

2 - Very bad

1 - Basically inedible

The overall score is a rating of the satisfaction and enjoyment of the snack as a whole, it’s not always the equal average of the crunch, texture, and flavor ratings.

My personal chip preferences which may affect my reviews are:

  • thin chips over thick

  • uncurled over curled/folded

  • high salt and flavor

I prefer to eat just chips as a snack and don’t usually like eating chips with other food ie. on the side with a burger, with a sandwich, or in sandwiches.

My favorite type of chip to try is the classic potato chip because of the variety and nuances in composition.

Home: Welcome

REVIEW: 🇺🇸Smart Puffs Baked Cheese Puffs

I liked these! I think they're a MUCH better option than this brand’s more well known (and namesake) #PiratesBooty. Smart Puffs had a...

REVIEW: 🇪🇸 Risketos sabor Original

✈️ Chipalytics Travels! Risketos: Spain’s take on #Cheetos (but not under the Cheeto brand). I went in expecting the deliciously spiced...

REVIEW: 🇺🇸Barbara’s Cheese Puffs

Hi, new favorite #cheesepuff! These are SO good and such a well crafted #snack. Amazing crunch and outer crust break, great airy but...

Review: 🇺🇸 Ruffles Cheddar & Sour Cream

Since I determined in my plain #Rufflesreview that Ruffles do need flavor (or dip), I decided to try re-visiting what I remembered as the...

Review: 🇲🇽 Cheetos Torciditos

✈️ Chipalytics Travels! I’ve had #Mexican Cheetos before, but not since I started this account. I remember thinking they weren’t great,...

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Random tip of the month:

One side of Lay’s Chips gets the salt flavoring more than the other side. Tap each side of a chip on the tip of your tongue to determine the salty side, and eat that side tongue down for maximum flavor.

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