Hi, new favorite #cheesepuff! These are SO good and such a well crafted #snack. Amazing crunch and outer crust break, great airy but crispy texture, and fantastic natural flavor. Great flavor blend that tastes like real cheese, but they didn’t go too overboard with the cheese sharpness. I feel like sometimes brands go for really sharp or blue #cheese tasting flavor to prove their natural-ness, but sometimes it’s a bit much. Not Barbara’s though! The flavor was a perfect slightly sharp aged cheddar cheese which paired insanely well with the just-a-hint of blue cheese.
The puff was also so addicting to eat. There is a slight slight detectableness of the ground corn meal base - not corn flavored per se, but a faint background of corn flavor that served as the easel propping up the masterpiece that is the cheese blend 😂 - 📍@bristolfarms, Hollywood
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: MEDIUM-HIGH
Flavor level: MEDIUM-HIGH
Thickness: PUFF BOI
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 9.8
Texture: 9.8
Flavor: 9.5
Overall: 9.6
