Something about #TraderJoes chips make them edible and good, but not quite right. The crunch of these #chipsis pretty decent - crunchy, but it is a tad hard. Not too bad but there is definitely some cow-grazing chewing needed. The texture is pretty nice too, they’re fried well and like a good kettle chip - fun air bubbles, some folds (but not too many whew), and slightly rustic where you get some semblance of the potato origins.
The chip isn’t salted enough though, especially with the kettle cooked thickness and there’s quite a strong olive oil flavor. While I like #oliveoil, I don’t really love how strong the olive oil flavor was on this chip. Referencing Boulder Canyon’s olive oil chips, where they’re fried in olive oil and there’s an olive oil backflavor, but it’s not in the forefront. The olive oil is quite detectable on these, which is not great for me. Also speaking of which, there’s a layer of oil you can feel on each chip, which is a little off putting...That being said, I still love simple ingredient #kettlechips, and these are still a satisfying chip to munch on. - 📍@traderjoes, Hollywood
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: LOW-MEDIUM
Flavor level: MEDIUM
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 7.8
Texture: 8.0
Flavor: 6.0
Overall: 7.0
