Oof, these were funky. I really should’ve gotten #TakisFuego as a direct comparison to the past two posts, but here we are: logic ignored, novelty flavor picked up. Ok, so the Takis itself as always is a 3in dense rolled corn tortilla. It’s definitely superior to the imitators, the crunch, texture, slight smoked grill flavor are all better than the #TraderJoes “Takis” and #DoritosDinamita. That usually gives Takis the edge, and when paired with a good flavor, there’s kind of no rival.
However, I was not into this one. This was my least favorite #Takis flavor I’ve had, which is a shame because I did have high hopes 😕 Fuego > Fuego Mini > Original > Zombie > Guacamole for me. It doesn’t have an avocado flavor, but does kind of have a manufactured creaminess from uh, the mysterious “MILK” in the ingredient. It is spiced but not spicy, tangy and a bit of lime flavor. It doesn’t taste like #guacamole to me, but is an odd mix of guacamole flavors minus the avocado and plus some tangy milk (I think buttermilk-like). So tomato, onion, garlic, and buttermilk. I think I just don’t like tangy milk as a chip seasoning, the last time I had it was Trader Joe’s elote chips, which I also described as “funky”. - 📍Laurel Canyon Country Store, Los Angeles
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: MEDIUM
Flavor level: MEDIUM
Thickness: MEDIUM
Spiciness: LOW
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 9.4
Texture: 9.5
Flavor: 4.5
Overall: 5.5

Where I get it at and someone tell me
Guacamole was so chu papi muyayo