Regent - proudly #Pinoy! Hailing from the Philippines, this was the first Filipino snack, and first thing from Regent I’ve tried. I can totally see how if you grew up eating these, you’d have a strong nostalgia and preference for these cheese balls. I don’t have that so I didn’t love-love these, but they were still a super addicting and fun snack to eat.
I haven’t had too much #Filipinofood, but these remind me of the Filipino approach to spaghetti. If you’ve never had Filipino spaghetti before, it’s just pasta with a ground meat bolognese tomato sauce BUT they add hot dogs and sweeten it. The thing they usually use is #bananaketchup, which made of banana puree, sugar, vinegar and spices. So that gives the bolognese a sweetness to it, and it’s actually really really good. These are slightly sweet too, which is why it reminded me of #Filipino spaghetti. The crunch of the puff is good, just what you’d expect from looking at the snack - airy and melt-y in your mouth, but the texture is a little too powdery for me. It also doesn’t have the crust you normally get from American #cheesepuffs, which I preferred this snack to have. Anyway, ate the whole bag, so these are still pretty good but probably not one I’d repurchase. - 📍@99ranchmarket, Irvine California
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: HIGH
Flavor level: HIGH
Thickness: PUFF BOI
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 6.9
Texture: 6.5
Flavor: 7.0
Overall: 6.8
