Out of 88 posts of this account, this is my first post of @pringlesus! Never tried #Pringles Wavy, but it’s not really that different from regular Pringles. Turns out it’s not like Ruffles Double Crunch where the chip itself is quite different in texture, crunch, and thickness from regular #Ruffles. The thickness of Pringles Wavy is slightly thicker compared to normal Pringles, but the chip taste is still the classic highly processed potato crisp. Very fake-potatoey, consistent thickness (in fact, every aspect of the chip is consistent, they’re all essentially carbon copies), manufactured smooth texture and a nice break. Pringle’s are quite junky in general, and while I do crave them every now and then, they’re definitely not a high quality #snack. But as always - we’re here for a good time not a long time 😜
The flavor is a smoked #cheddar, and is actually pretty smoky - but no distinct applewood flavor like if you were actually grilling. It skirts the borderline of being too much, but it’s not quite there yet. The cheese flavor is your typical cheddar cheese, but the forefront of flavor is the smoke. This chip pretty much is what you would expect from a Pringle with a smoked cheddar flavor...nothing really surprising or interesting about it. Overall not a terrible snack, definitely junky, but not one I’d want again. - 📍@ralphsgrocery, Studio City
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: MEDIUM
Flavor level: MEDIUM
Thickness: THIN-MEDIUM
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 6.9
Texture: 7.0
Flavor: 6.4
Overall: 6.6