My favorite multigrain & seed chip from Luke’s was this one, and the only one I thought out of the three could be eaten as a standalone snack (the other two were Blue Corn/Lentil, and Kale - Blue Corn was previously posted, Kale will be coming soon). I actually preferred this one on its own, it’s saltier and has great flavor, so for me didn’t need a dip. SuperFood is consisted of sweet potato, buckwheat, and hemp. The usual medley of multigrains and seeds were also there (quinoa, millet, brown rice flours), but this one had black sesame as well. The slightly toasted sesame flavor paired really well with the sweetness of the sweet potato, and the buckwheat and hemp gave it an earthy, wheat-y base. The toasted flavors also complimented the char-like grill of the chip itself really well, and further paired a smokiness from the toast/grill with the natural smokiness of the ingredients. Well done, such a good combo of ingredients and flavors!
This is not a chip for those of you who don’t like earthier flavors, but I feel like you’ll like these if you like sweet potato fries. It’s much less sweet than most sweet potato fries, but the flavor is there and better in a chip form anyway. This was also the only one out of the three I felt were truly addicting, I couldn’t put the bag down. - 📍Thank you SO much to @lukes_organic for sending me these! You can find them on @amazon or @thrivemarket.
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: MEDIUM
Flavor level: MEDIUM
Thickness: MEDIUM
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 7.7
Texture: 7.6
Flavor: 8.0
Overall: 7.8