Ooo a spicy chip option for once that isn’t a #FlamingHot! These Lay’s Fiery Haberno are a good option for if you like 🔥spicy chips, but are not looking for the really acidic Flaming Hot flavor. The spiciness is full bodied but not too much, and I really enjoyed this chip. It’s more of a nasal-y-actual-pepper flavor spiciness instead of a vinegar-y one (like FH, or hot sauces like #Tabasco). The actual pepper brings the almost floral flavor of #habaneros, in addition to the spicy heat.
Ok here’s the thing. I love #lays chips. I think the chip structure itself is a marvel in modern food manufacturing - it’s so consistently thin, crunchy, smooth, and airy. Sure there are chips with higher quality #potatoes or oil, but as a whole a Lay’s chip is the pinnacle of the thin chip composition. That being said, I NORMALLY don’t care for flavored Lay’s because I think the chip is too delicate to be a flavor carrier. There are exceptions of course, this chip is one of them! I think the spiciness would be a bit too much on a thicker chip, so the coating of a thin air crisp is perfect for it. - 📍Random gas station, Hollywood California
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: MEDIUM
Flavor level: MEDIUM-HIGH
Thickness: THIN
Spiciness: MEDIUM-HIGH
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 9.9
Texture: 10.0
Flavor: 8.5
Overall: 8.7
