I didn’t expect to like these so much! Mostly because I’m not the biggest fan of pickles. I like #pickles, I’m just not crazy for them and could usually do without them (mostly thinking on burgers 🍔). But I ended up finishing this whole bag! Pickle Rick!! When you think pickle you usually just think of the brine, but this chip has the flavor of a gourmet pickle with herby dill refinement. The pickle flavor is really good, nice and garlicky, acidic, and you can both taste and see the actual thin little spears of dill. Any time you have an sour flavor chip, you do run the risk of overwhelming the chip, but @kettlebrand did a good job with the amount of seasoning and the mix of flavors.
The #chips are ridged/crinkle cut, which I thought it was an appropriate choice for holding this flavor. It was also thick enough of a chip and substantial (not flimsy/brittle) enough to hold up to the pickle flavor. Again, you could tell Kettle cared about flavor/chip balance with this one since the flavor was the perfect amount and not overwhelming or bland. The chip did break ok, but was on the harder side for me. - 📍Random convenience store, Hollywood
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: HIGH
Flavor level: HIGH
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 7.0
Texture: 7.2
Flavor: 8.0
Overall: 7.9
