A super solid natural/rustic potato chip. I was pleasantly surprised since I usually go into natural chips with a slight bias, and also didn’t know what to expect since it was my first coconut oil chip. I usually think chips need that extra something *ahem artificial flavoring* - like that scene in Parks & Rec when Chris makes a gourmet turkey burger but it’s immediately beaten by Ron’s simple beef hamburger. Bad for you > good for you was my general thought.
BUT these chips are great. The chips are well seasoned and salty, have a good crispy crunch, still has a nice potato flavor come through (with some potato skin), and is slightly thinner than common natural chips. Usually chips in this category are too hard, too thick, and undersalted and/or over seasoned (looking at you, Kettle), but these coconut oil chips by Jackson’s Honest were much better crafted. I didn’t detect a coconut flavor and the chips were actually crispy for a healthy kettle chip. Maybe it’s their slow cooking process, but the chip was slightly dense like a real potato, but not too dense where it is hard. Only somewhat negative comment are mostly personal. I would’ve like them to be a TAD thinner cut but the thickness was still better than 80% of the other chips in this category. And i know this is totally personal, but about 55-60% of the bag were curled/folded which I don’t like! I usually break those or gasp - throw them away 😱. I know not everyone is like that though haha. Chip to chip saltiness was also slightly inconsistent, but they were generally well seasoned.
📍Found: Whole Foods, Los Angeles
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Flavor level: MEDIUM
Thickness: MEDIUM
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 7.6
Texture: 7.1
Flavor: 7.9
Overall: 7.8
