The last #IncrediPuff I tried is one that is unique to the lineup. It’s their only sweet flavor (the other flavors are cheese, sriracha, and pizza): Cinnamon Apple Pie! This was my least favorite out of all 4, but was still a well made snack due to the high quality ingredients they use. This puff is the same for this flavor, it’s a thinner and longer puff around ¾” in diameter and ~3” in length. The flavor of the puff itself is in line with their other flavors - its still their great corn base, oil, and good baking. BUT I didn’t think it was the best carrier for sweet flavors, even though the puff was still airy and well constructed. The flavor was well composed and you could taste the high quality seasoning. The cinnamon is cinnamon-y, but not overwhelming, and the apple flavor is from actual apple powder. The apple seasoning tastes bright, fruity, and almost fresh. I did think the puff could’ve used a bit more sugar though... this snack is not really a dessert puff, but I feel like it would’ve made a bit more sense to the composition if it was. The sweetness was on the low side (which is fine if you wanted just a lighter flavor and not a sugar bomb), but what I felt was missing from having low sugar was more of the crust that would form outside of the puff from the cooking heat. I think it would’ve been much much better for the crunch and texture if there was a tiny bit of sugar crust - like on the top of a #cremebrulee, or what #Asiansnacks typically have on their sweet puffs. Their other flavors of IncrediPuff seem to “coat” the puff better - since cheese, tomato, vinegar, spices flavor mixes were probably more “tacky”. Since this one didn’t have more sugar that would’ve stuck onto the puff and baked into a light light crust, the powdered apple and cinnamon weren’t enough to make these a higher flavor puff. That note is definitely more of a personal suggestion though, this snack is still a great choice for when you want to snack on something that is sweet, but not too sugary. - 📍Thank you so much to @thesnackbrigade for sending these to me! You can find them on @Amazon or their website.
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: N/A, SWEET
Flavor level: LOW
Thickness: PUFFY BOI
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 6.8
Texture: 6.9
Flavor: 7.0
Overall: 7.0
