A super popular chip in Korea at the moment, Honey Butter Chips by Haitai are a novelty worth a try for a chip lover. The construction of the chip itself is very thought out and the flavors are nicely blended. At first impression, the chip thickness and overall feel is like a classic Lay’s, but is lightly coated with a flavor powder. The smell is interesting - it wasn’t the most appetizing scent at first. It smells like funky butter (not the usual scent of just butter and salt like on popcorn, which by the way, a salted butter potato chip might be good? Hmu, Frito Lay). The taste of the chip is more butter than anything, but definitely slightly sweet from the honey. The honey flavor isn’t overwhelming though, it’s more used as the sweetener with a honey essence in the background. The flavor pairs well with the delicate chip, and the potato flavor can still be detected. There are also some tiny flecks of herb which I didn’t taste, but noticed it visually. My guess is the herb is green onion, similar to the green flecks on sour cream and onion chips. While the chip feels like a Lay’s chip, it is much much less greasy and has very little air bubbles from the hot greasy fry of Lay’s. Also a side note that I like, there were no fully curled chips in the bag! That is a personal preference of mine, I actually really dislike curled chips and usually break them into pieces so it’s a single layer again, or I throw them away. 😒 - 📍Found: Arcadia Supermarket, but should be found in most Korean markets in major cities.
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats (1-10): Saltiness: Medium Flavor level: Medium-High Thickness: Low Opinion ratings (1-10): Crunch: 9.1 Texture: 7.7 Flavor: 5.1 Overall 5.7
This chip is pretty good and worth a try if you’re curious. However to me, it’s still a novelty chip that’s fun - but not one I’d really crave or reach for often. We’ll see through! I’ll edit this post if weeks or months later I think to myself “I could really go for those Honey Butter Chips again…”.
Note that since the base of the chip was a somewhat standard potato chip (which was a well crafted chip), I put more weight on the flavor rating since that is the defining feature.
