I love this chip, what a dank snack. The flavor is the PERFECT blend of sweetness from the honey that ties in with the sweetness of the barbeque flavor. Nothing is overwhelming or unbalanced, and it’s perfectly spiced and smoky and sweet. Ahhh love affair with this flavor for sure.
And then the chip isn’t lacking either. It’s a finely ground corn chip in a spiral shape who’s folds hold a good amount of flavor (but not trapped/too much). I feel like this chip either struck gold by luck or Frito Lays product development team spent extra time refining it instead of just busting out a mediocre limited edition item. Either way the result is the same - an amazingly crafted snack in both flavor and composition. Also this snack is bomb as a stand-alone thing to eat, which can’t be said for all chips. - 📍@cvs, Hollywood
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats: Saltiness: HIGH
Flavor level: HIGH
Opinion ratings (1-10): Crunch: 9.2
Texture: 9.6
Flavor: 9.8
Overall: 9.7
