My favorite type of chip to try is the classic salted potato chip because of the variety and nuances in composition. So back to basics with this one: Deep River Snacks Original Sea Salt!
Right off the bat, I wish this chip were saltier. It was too lightly salted for me, but would be a great salt level for you if you prefer a milder chip. I could also taste a good potato flavor and the chips had some potato skin, which I like. The chip itself was overall pretty good - good fry from the sunflower oil, nice crispy texture, kettle chip that wasn’t too thick, not too hard, and had good texture with air bubbles. I still prefer olive oil, rice bran oil, and avocado oil for frying kettle chips though (shoutout to my faves ❤️ @bouldercanyon!!), this chip was slightly oilier and LOTS of folded pieces.
📍@bristolfarms, Hollywood
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: MEDIUM
Flavor level: MEDIUM
Thickness: MEDIUM
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 8.5
Texture: 8.0
Flavor: 5.5
Overall: 6.2
You know what this chip would be good for? Eating WITH something. Because it wasn’t salted/flavored sufficiently enough for me, I think it would be an excellent chip to eat with dip, or on the side with a burger, a sandwich, a soup etc. or even IN a sandwich (if you’re into that sort of thing). But let’s be real, even if a regular salted potato chip isn’t my favorite, it’s still a great thing to snack on 😜 The chip itself was still decent though, so I wonder if the undersalted thing will carry over to their other flavors. Will report back!
