@chipzhappen makes my favorite tortilla chip, so I was excited to try their Lime and Chili flavor! And once again, a great corn chip base. Fantastic crunch, fun air bubbles, and on the thinner side of tortilla chips. Only a slight detectable corn flavor this time, since the flavor is mostly the chili lime. I couldn’t taste the fry oil, but let’s talk the flavoring! Chili! Lime! 🤤 It’s the perfect blend of both, not too much chili, not too much or little lime. The ONLY comment I have is that the seasoning does not make every chip the same (which can be a good thing depending on preference). I don’t recommend putting a heavily seasoned chip in your mouth with the seasoning side down though. It’s a little overwhelming when you do that with those chips, and the high concentration of chili gets kind of bitter. But those very seasoned chips are only about 1 in 10, and you can avoid it if you put the non-seasoned side down first.
What happens though is when I usually love the originals of a chip, I actually prefer it over flavored varieties. Nothing against flavors since they can be excellent, but I appreciate well done simplicity over chip masking with crazy flavors. In the case of this chip, while I do like the flavor (and you could even eat these alone, unlike the Himalayan Salt ones), I prefer the original. - 📍Thank you to Chipz Happen for sending these to me!! You can get these on their site: http://chipzhappen.com/ and local Southern California markets.
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: LOW-MEDIUM
Flavor level: MEDIUM
Thickness: THIN-MEDIUM
Spiciness: LOW-MEDIUM
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 10.0
Texture: 9.7
Flavor: 8.8
Overall: 8.9
