My favorite natural chip for a while now, and it did not disappoint yet again 😊These are @bouldercanyon‘s Avocado Oil Canyon Cut #KettleChipsand They. Are. Great. The best fry in the best oil results in the best kettle cooked potato crunch and texture. The flavor is just plain sea salt, but you do also get a hint of #avocado flavor from the oil. The avocado taste is not strong at all though, it’s just a note of super nice, rich, and fatty flavor that compliments the salted potato base perfectly. The salt is a finely misted coating on the #chips and can only be described as good tasting salt that’s not under or overdone, doesn’t have a granular salt “bite”, still tastes natural and is not a sodium bomb.
This is a simple chip made with just three ingredients, and I think Boulder Canyon does it the best overall. The flavor rating is just shy of a 10.0 because I’ve since had chips with better tasting/higher quality #potatoes(from @sochipsofficiel). And like most natural chips, these could be salted slightly more consistently. But those are both tiny things that barely affect the satisfaction level of these chips, and ultimately these are still my favorite natural chips. - 📍@wholefoods, West Hollywood
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: MEDIUM
Flavor level: MEDIUM
Thickness: THICK
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 10.0
Texture: 10.0
Flavor: 9.9
Overall: 9.9
