I loved the #Amica Alfredo’s Chips plain salt flavor, so I was looking forward to this one. While it’s still good, it really is a refined and very nice chip, I’m sad to report all aspects of the salt version were better than this pepper version.
The other one broke like an Italian dream, so not sure why the chip crunch was less good. The pepper version was still crunchy from being thin, but definitely more effort to chew through. The texture was a little rougher too - it might’ve been the batch I got, but most of the pieces had a lot of potato skin. It was also not as salty as the salt version, but the pepper flavor was really nice. I wish these had the same crunch/texture and the salt version, and were slightly more salted to balance out the pepper flavor. Maybe these #chipsgo stale? #Eataly does import them in but it shouldn’t have been THAT long… - 📍@eatalyla
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: MEDIUM-HIGH
Flavor level: MEDIUM
Thickness: THIN
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 7.6
Texture: 7.8
Flavor: 8.0
Overall: 7.8
Still an enjoyable and refined pepper potato chip, but when presented with the option of this and the salt version, definitely get schwifty - I mean salty!
