Wanted to do something with “Fire and Blood” in honor of today’s #GameOfThrones final season premiere, but these are more #Viserys 🚫🐉 than #Daenerys 🐉🐉🐉. Like uh guys is this supposed to be a chip to dip? For being bright red, the spice level is surprisingly low on this chip. I tread carefully at first because the color and the bold 🔥FIRE! on the bag suggested the chip was going to be #FlamingHot level spicy, but it definitely was not. I would say there’s a kick to it, but it’s not overly spicy at all. The spice level is about a 4/10 and mostly has the flavor of paprika from the Taco Bell Fire sauce. Upon closer inspection, I realized the chip is colored red, not coated in a red flavoring.
The chip tasted like a stale Dorito, much less crunch and less textured. I’m totally cool with it as a chip to dip with, but even as that it didn’t have a good crunch and is a bit undersalted. Definitely a shame since I love #TacoBell and feel like this chip had a lot of potential, but did not live up to it. - 📍@riteaid, Hollywood
So what’s going on with this chip? Here are its highly scientific stats:
Saltiness: LOW
Flavor level: LOW-MEDIUM
Thickness: MEDIUM
Opinion ratings (1-10):
Crunch: 3.9
Texture: 4.8
Flavor: 6.6
Overall: 5.4
Update, I tried these #chips with salsa and it’s better. This chip isn’t bad/inedible, but there are many many options that are better.
